Sonia doubted him, but Raihan reminded that there were many Pokémon, in and outside of Galar region, who had such power, and it could've been the man's personal ambitions to destroy the region. As Henry remembered that Chairman Rose hired Bede to collect the Wishing Stars, Raihan felt that Chairman Rose wanted to unleash the Darkest Day again. She hugged the boys, calling them as her assistants, for making such breakthroughs, even if neither Raihan nor Henry didn't want to be her assistant. He wondered whether the tapestries depict the Darkest Day incident, shocking Sonia, who believed he was right. Sonia doubted that, thinking he needed a reason to summon them first. He was ecstatic that Henry still met them, and believed his own strength (if not training Henry) would summon them. Raihan became shocked, for he never knew that about Henry. He wondered why Henry took on the Gym Challenge, to which Henry replied that he wanted to meet the sword and shield Pokémon from the Slumbering Weald. Raihan visited Sonia and Henry, who were discussing tapestries. Oranguru calmed down, and Sonia thanked the boys for rescuing her. In order to stop Oranguru, Henry had his and Raihan's Pokémon bind Oranguru, while Henry trimmed its fan. Seeing Oranguru's power in action, Raihan had Duraludon and Sandaconda attack it, but Oranguru took control of Sandaconda and attack Duraludon instead.

However, the latter used its fan to take control of Lancelot to attack Henry, who was defended by his Steeler. Raihan was confused at this sight, while Henry sent his Lancelot to attack Oranguru. Hearing a scream, the two went down, seeing Sonia being chased by an Oranguru and her Yamper. After entering the vault, the two wondered where Sonia was, as Raihan let her in, seeing her enthusiasm. While he wanted some pictures of battles, he didn't want to battle a wimp, and reminded Sou he could challenge him in a Gym Match after defeating the rest of the Gym Leaders. Henry was quite confused, and was told that Raihan simply took pictures of the battle to compete with Leon by being featured in the Pokémon Journal. At this point, Raihan stopped the fight and asked Henry to come with him. Sou, despite reminding he had little time left to register for the vault, defended himself by sending a Lancelot, but was quickly thrown aback by Sandaconda's Slam attack. While Henry was in shock that Raihan knew even his Pokémon's nicknames, he sent a Sandaconda to use a Sandstorm. Henry became nervous how much Raihan knew about him, to which the latter dared Sou to battle him, wondering if his ace was Lancelot, Twiggy or Steeler. Raihan pointed out that he has studied his challengers a lot, like Henry, whose proficiency was crafting "Gears", and that he came to enter the vault. Henry apologized for his ignorance, to which Raihan commented such people made battles much more interesting. Henry didn't know who Raihan was, to which the latter introduced himself as Hammerlocke's Gym Leader. The latter greeted Henry, recognizing him as the challenger approved by Leon. When Sou arrived to Hammerlocke to enter the vault, he was intercepted by Raihan. He then turned to Duraludon, wondering which one of these trainers would be successful enough to face him in battle. He smiled, knowing that he did predict correctly that the Trainers Leon had recommended have defeated Kabu. Raihan looked at his phone, showing the four challengers: Bede, Marnie, Henry and Casey. However, he also takes note of Gym Challengers, and makes a lot of research on them before facing them in battle. Raihan cares much for his public image, showing off his strength and his Pokémon in magazines to beat Leon. He sports a Dynamax Band around his right wrist. The sleeves end as his elbows with orange cuffs stopping at his forearms. The hoodie has a collar that resembles the teeth of an open mouth.

His outfit resembles his gym's type, Dragon. Raihan wears a black hoodie with dark blue, orange, and tan-colored accents, the Dragon-type uniform, and dark blue/orange shoes, as well as an orange hairband.

He has black hair tied in a protective style with an undercut, light brown skin, and cyan-colored eyes. Raihan is a young man with a tall and slim build. Appearance This section, or a part of it, has been transcluded from Raihan any changes involving it should be made there instead.