
Mcintosh mc 250 review
Mcintosh mc 250 review

mcintosh mc 250 review

But each were a genius in my opinion in their respective speaker designs and the resulting sonics. Paul Wilbur Klipsch and Henry Kloss-Advent owner/designer were diametrically opposed in Very different sonics from Cornwalls-a low efficient acoustic suspension speaker. The Llano amp is 300 watts x2 8 ohms & 600 watts X 2 4 ohms.


I took my JBL's out-92 db efficient and hooked up my 2nd generation 1980 New LargeĪdvents-89 db efficient to the Llano amp & Mac preamp. If you don't want to mess with tubes, Mac gear is a no brainer and will sound great with Klipsch in my opinionated opinion. The Llano amp is more extended in dynamic range-has much deeper bass response and has more extended highs-treble which are smooth & non strident with either amp. I use either the Llano amp or the Mac amp in my third system with the Mac preamp. Just doesn't have that purty retro black glass faceplate with the very useful blue meters. Llano amp sounds better to my ears with the Cornwalls or my JBL LX 55's or my Advents. I own a Lubbock, Texas made Llano Phoenix CAS 300/VA2 mosfet/tube hybrid amp- Class A, 2 gain stages, no negative feedback-uses 6SN7,6SL7 & 12SN7 tubes in the voltage section of the amp. I still own & use the Mac amp though it is in the bullpen right now. Mac gear sounds very good with a veritable plethora of speakers. Liked what I heard and prefer tubes with Klipsch Heritage though First time I had ever heard tubes was at his casa-house. He introduced me to tube gear when I auditioned his Cornwalls. Bought my 1977 birch Cornwalls from a guy in San Antonio. Used Mcintosh-preamp from Audio Consultants in Chicago and the amp from Sound Labs in Palentine, Illinois got me my Mcintosh in 1999. Mcintosh & Klipsch was gear I lusted over as a teenager & in my 20's when I could not afford either. As much as I like my Mcintosh gear, the SET systems sound better to my ears. I have since moved to 2 separate SET amp systems with each pair of Cornwalls. The surround sound from a 2 channel rig-room 25'-L x 19'-W x 8'-T.


I used to run all 4 Cornwalls with the Mac amp, Mac preamp & a 31 band 1/3 octave pro gear equalizer. My Mcintosh MC 7150 SS autoformer amp-1991 vintage paired with a McintoshĬ 38 SS preamp-1999 vintage sound very good to my ears. My question is I have three sets of loudspeakers: 1. The amplifier is in very good condition and I think is beautiful (industrial shape), all parts are originals and the sound is nice, warm and very good in my little speakers AR M2. They sound very good together in my opinion. Hi friends, the last weekend I bougth a McIntosh solid state power amplifier model MC 250 in an estate sale in 200. Mcintosh solid state & Klipsch Heritage are like peanut butter & jelly, a match made in heaven.

Mcintosh mc 250 review