The colour combination has all the characteristics of Rock Raiders teal highlights, black and yellow warning stripes, a brown rollcage and grays as the main colour. The drone itself is quite a perfect representation of its theme. The base is a convincing cutout of a rock tunnel, dotted with chrome green crystals (these crystals actually come from the Space Port line from the same year–Rock Raiders featured trans-neon green crystals), and it’s perfect place to show off this cute little drilling drone. Chris notes that this creation is actually a year and a half old, but was inspired by friends to give the tunneler a base and finally upload it. In February we featured a collection of vehicles built in honour of this theme, and now it’s Chris Perron‘s turn to show off his gritty tunneling hovercraft, with all its glorious teal and chrome highlights. Twenty years after its inception, the often-overlooked yet undeniably cool LEGO Rock Raiders theme finds its way into fan creations as well. While this model was fun to build, I will be scrapping it to build another creation in this style later on.

I finished the model off with a little crane because I think cranes look so cool and industrial. The second central part was an Atlantis minifig helmet within the body. The whole thing started with a Throwbot/Slizer shoulder/hand piece as the mech’s arms and continued from there. Just a simple colour scheme would not cut it for a Rock Raiders build. I have experimented with proportions a bit for this model. And here it is the “Dolomite Destroyer” (named in the honour of the iconic 4940 Granite Grinder LEGO set). The creation made me feel so good that I felt compelled had to make my own Rock Raiders-themed model. My nostalgia was somewhat dormant for a long time, until I had the privilege to write about a Rock Raiders tunneling drone here on the Brothers Brick. The LEGO Group does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this website nor any of the customised/modified products or sets shown on it nor does it accept. Lego Chrome Silver Cone Spiral Rock Raiders Drill - 4940 & 4970 - 71612cx1. The Chrome Crusher is a LEGO® Rock Raiders Set released in 1999. Nevertheless, I have fond memories of this action-packed adventure theme. Buy 4970 Rock Raiders - The Chrome Crusher LEGO® Toys on the Store Auctions Find Toys best deals on items for sale at the lowest price. I am not a miner, but I imagine that it is not quite as fun and exciting as the 1990s Rock Raiders LEGO theme made it look.