Spranger, below you will find the commands you need to control both the x, y, square, ect.
I am using an Atmega128 and CodeVision avr fyi. CodeVisionAVR Integrated Development Environment Automatic Program Generator Graphic Library with support for the X-Graph XG8800 TFT LCD modules (Advanced. Ok guys, I worked on this for about two weeks now and had an "duh" moment. CodeVision AVR Advanced and IDE with one year support TFT/OLED graphics support LCD Vision graphic display editor/converter Project definition includes. Bleeding shadows at high backlight settings. This WG12864A Graphic Display LCD 128圆4 Module is 5V power supply.
The reasons to go for this display are: resolution, size and color, if the project you're working on just has to be blue.Ĭons: Slow refresh rate (primarily due to LCD backpack processing of serial data). Winstar WG12864A is Monochrome Graphic LCD 128圆4. I'd recommend those for visual clarity and high contrast. The backlight causes shadow cast by darker pixels to bleed resulting in unpleasant visual artifacting, which is a lot less visible woth the "black on green" LCD's (also sold by SparkFun).

Serial transmission over bluetooth (using SparkFun's bluetooth mate) slows down the full refresh to about 12 seconds, even when running on the same baud setting. Refreshing the image at maximum baud rate though a direct serial connection takes about 3 seconds. The display drains 4AA batteries (regulated down to 5V with a 7805) in about 8 hours with half the backlight intensity (and bluetooth mate operating off the same pack). glcdputimagef (GLCDXt left, GLCDYt top, flash unsigned char pimg, GLCDBLOCKMODEt mode) bmp. The mikroC PRO for AVR provides a library for operating Graphic Lcd 128圆4 (with commonly used Samsung KS108/KS107 controller).

Made a wireless bluetooth display with it and written shaders for displaying grayscale graphics by varying pixel density (will post the Python code and screen grabs later).

Had been working with this model for a few months now.